Map Compare shows you different maps from OpenStreetMap, Google, or HERE, side by side. Use the drop down menus over the maps to choose the map type for each map. You can move and zoom any map as usual and the other map will follow. Hold down the shift key and move the mouse to zoom in to that area.
You can save the link named Permalink to always return to this page with the same map types and position.
Press 'f' | to toggle fullscreen |
Press '+' or '-' | to zoom in or out |
Press '1','2','3','4','6' or '8' | to show that number of maps |
Press 'p' | to create a permalink |
Geofabrik | Geofabrik map style |
Geofabrik (de) | Same as above, but with the German map style |
Geofabrik Topo | Geofabrik topological map |
OSM Carto | OpenStreetMap data rendered with OpenStreetMap Carto from official tile server |
OSM Carto (de) | Same as above, but with the German map style |
OSM Humanitarian | OpenStreetMap data rendered optimized for humanitarian purposes |
Google Map | Google street map |
Google Satellite | Google satellite and aerial photos |
Google Hybrid | Google street map overlaid over satellite and aerial photos |
HERE Map | HERE street map |
HERE Satellite | HERE satellite and aerial photos |
HERE Hybrid | HERE street map overlaid over satellite and aerial photos |
HERE Terrain | HERE street map with hill shading |
Hike & Bike | A map with hillshading meant primarily for hiking and biking |
OSM CycleMap | Cycle map based on OpenStreetMap data (Source: |
Stamen Toner | Open source map style produced by stamen design using black & white only |
Wanderreitkarte | Wanderreitkarte is a map with trails for horseback riding. |
ÖPNV-Karte | ÖPNV-Karte is a map which focuses on public transportation |
Comparison with Google Maps is for informational purposes only. Do not use information from Google Maps to edit OpenStreetMap data.
Geofabrik thanks BBBike for their improvements to the JavaScript code.